My Dog Swallowed a Plastic Squeaker : 6 Quick Tips to the Rescue

Charles Lane

Dog Swallowed a Plastic Squeaker

As dog owners know, our furry friends love to play with toys. However, this can turn scary when a dog swallows a plastic squeaker or other toy component that could pose a choking risk or internal blockage. If your dog swallowed a plastic squeaker, stay calm but act quickly. This guide covers symptoms, home remedies, vet treatment, and prevention tips to keep your pup safe if this occurs.

My Dog Swallowed a Plastic Squeaker

Dog Playing with Plastic Toys

It can be heartbreaking when your beloved dog ate small piece of plastic squeaker. As a responsible pet owner, you may find yourself in this problematic situation, wondering what to do next. One common scenario is when dogs swallow plastic squeakers from their toys – small, seemingly harmless objects that can quickly go down the wrong way.

This article will explore the potential risks associated with this occurrence and provide essential steps to take if your dog has swallowed a plastic squeaker. Remember, acting promptly and seeking professional advice in such situations is crucial to ensuring your canine companion’s well-being.

Recognizing Signs of Choking or Blockage

If you see your dog swallow a plastic squeaker or hear them making distressed gagging or choking noises, they may have an object lodged in their throat. Warning signs include:

  • Coughing, wheezing, and gagging
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Drooling more than usual
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Gums turning blue

If you observe these signs of dog choking, immediately open the mouth to check for blockage. If lodged in the airway, try removing it with fingers or tweezers. Don’t perform blind finger sweeps – you could push the object further down.

Beyond initial choking, look for signals like vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, or restlessness, indicating GI tract issues from toy swallowed by dog. Contact your vet promptly.

First Aid After Dog Swallows Plastic Squeaker

If you didn’t witness the swallowing, the first clue may be your dog’s illness. Initial first aid steps include:

  • Don’t induce vomiting – Squeakers and plastic can injure your dog’s throat and esophagus if forced back up.
  • Check mouth for damage or bleeding from the foreign object.
  • Withhold food to give the GI tract rest. Offer small sips of water.
  • Monitor closely for signs of distress over the next 24 hours.
  • Call your vet immediately – They’ll advise next steps based on your dog’s size and symptoms.

Getting prompt veterinary guidance is crucial for dogs showing distress after possibly swallowing a squeaker.

Getting Veterinary Care

As soon as you suspect your dog swallowed a plastic squeaker, contact your vet or emergency animal hospital. Tell them:

  • When and where do you think swallowing occurred
  • What type of object – plastic, rubber, foam, whole squeaker or pieces
  • Any symptoms you’ve observed
  • Your dog’s breed, weight, age, and general health

The vet will likely request you come in immediately for evaluation. Based on exam findings, they may:

  • Feel the abdomen to locate the object
  • Perform x-rays to pinpoint the squeaker’s location
  • Induce vomiting with hydrogen peroxide if recently swallowed
  • Prescribe a laxative or stool softener to ease passing
  • Book surgery for squeaker removal ifSeverely obstructed or perforated

Follow all vet instructions closely to help your dog safely pass or retrieve the swallowed object.

Options for Removal or Passing the Squeaker

Depending on exam and diagnostic results, the vet will recommend the best course of action tailored to your dog’s case, which may include:

  • Inducing vomiting – If recently swallowed, the vet may administer hydrogen peroxide to trigger vomiting up the squeaker if it’s still in the stomach. Never induce vomiting at home.
  • Laxatives or stool softeners – These dog-friendly laxatives make passing the object easier by lubricating the intestines.Examples include mineral oil, milk of magnesia, or Miralax. Give as directed.
  • High fiber diet – Feeding canned pumpkin or bran mush provides natural fiber to help dogs pass foreign objects via stool. Ask your vet for amounts.
  • Monitoring and wait-and-see – If your dog shows no problematic symptoms, the vet may advise waiting for natural passing while monitoring.
  • Endoscopy – A camera inserted into the esophagus or stomach lets vets visually locate and grab recently swallowed objects using a grasper.
  • Surgery – If the squeaker is blocking intestines or perforates them, urgent surgery is needed to remove it and repair any damage.

Stay in close contact with your vet to ensure the best solution based on your dog’s unique case and symptoms.

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Caring for Your Dog After Squeaker Ingestion

My Dog Love Toyes

Once home, follow all vet orders for care, such as:

  • Any prescribed medications – Give precisely as directed.
  • Recommended food and diet – Stick to bland, low-fat, high-fiber meals.
  • Activity restrictions – Limit exercise and supervise closely on walks to prevent vomiting or abdominal pain.
  • Repeat vet visits – Bring your dog for follow-up x-rays or exams.

Also, monitor your dog closely at home and notify the vet promptly if you notice:

  • Persistent vomiting, choking, or drooling
  • Difficulty pooping or bloody stools
  • Loss of appetite for more than 24 hours
  • Abdominal pain or enlarged abdomen
  • Lethargy, restlessness or distress

With prompt care, most dogs pass swallowed squeakers without issue, but attentive monitoring is vital.

Preventing Repeat Toy and Squeaker Ingestion

Once recovered, take steps to curb repeat squeaker swallowing:

  • Replace plush toys with tough rubber or rope toys. Avoid toys with plastic eyes, noses, or accessible squeakers.
  • Monitor play time and take away toys once your dog shreds or cheats pieces.
  • Consider a puzzle feeder or snuffle mat to feed your dog rather than a bowl. Slow, structured eating prevents gulping down pieces.
  • Train your dog to “drop” toys on command for a treat reward. Also, teach “leave it.”
  • Provide plenty of appropriate, long-lasting chew toys to satisfy chewing urges.
  • Punishment is ineffective – remove and replace ripped-up toys with more durable options.

You can curb further incidents of dogs ingesting toy parts with training, vigilance, and removing temptation.

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Key Prevention Tips

To prevent emergency vet visits for swallowing squeakers or toy parts, follow these tips:

  • Provide sturdy, vet-approved chew toys only, avoiding plush toys with eyes, noses or plastic parts
  • Supervise playtime and take away shredded toys immediately
  • Consider puzzle feeders for meals rather than bowls
  • Teach “drop” and “leave it” using positive reinforcement
  • Swap ripped-up toys for more rigid rubber or rope options
  • Never let dogs play with toys unsupervised
  • Remove small toy pieces that could be swallowed
  • Seek behavior help if excessive chewing or eating non-food items

FAQs: dog swallows a plastic squeaker

What are emergency vet steps if my dog is choking on a squeaker?

If choking, first open their mouth to check for blockage. DO NOT perform blind finger sweeps. If an object is lodged in the airway, try grasping with fingers or tweezers. If severe choking occurs, perform the canine Heimlich maneuver by applying quick upward abdominal thrusts. Seek emergency vet care.

How can I induce vomiting safely at home?

Don’t induce vomiting without vet guidance. IF recently swallowed and the vet instructs, they may advise administering 3% hydrogen peroxide based on weight. Dosage is one teaspoon per 5 pounds body weight given no more than three times spaced 15 minutes apart.

Can dogs pass small plastic squeakers naturally?

If recently swallowed, small rubber or plastic squeakers may pass through the digestive tract without issue if there are no signs of blockage. Vets usually advise monitoring for symptoms while allowing natural passing. Larger or oddly shaped squeakers pose higher risks.

Are laxatives safe for dogs to help pass squeakers?

Yes, vets may recommend over-the-counter dog-safe laxatives like milk of magnesia, mineral oil, or Miralax. This helps lubricate the GI tract, allowing the foreign object to pass with feces quickly. Always give as per the vet-recommended dosage.

When would surgery be required for squeaker removal?

If a squeaker or toy piece causes a dangerous blockage in the intestines or perforates them, emergency surgery is required to remove and repair the damage. Surgery may also be necessary if the object doesn’t pass after several days of monitoring.

How long until I know my dog passed the squeaker?

A swallowed squeaker may take 2-5 days to pass through the intestines entirely. Monitor stools daily. Avoid fatty foods. Vets may request follow-up x-rays to confirm it has moved through. Call if you see the object in feces.

With training, vigilance, and removing temptation, you can help avoid terrifying instances of dogs ingesting hazardous squeakers and toys. Stay calm, but take prompt action if it occurs and follow veterinary guidance to get your pup back to playtime safely. Let me know if you have any other pet health questions!

About Charles Lane

Meet Charles a devoted animal lover with a heart for dogs, cats, and horses. As the founder of, I am on a mission to share my expertise and passion, helping fellow pet owners provide the best care possible. Join me in creating joyful lives for our furry friends through valuable insights and reliable advice.

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