Can Dogs eat Swedish Fish? The Powerful Truth Revealed

Charles Lane

Can Dogs Eat Swedish Fish?

Swedish Fish is a popular soft, chewy candy marketed as having a unique sweet-sour taste. Their gummy texture and bright red coloring appeal to kids and adults alike. But can dogs eat Swedish Fish, too?

Can Dogs Eat Swedish Fish?

Swedish Fish (courty): facebook

The short answer is no; dogs should not eat Swedish Fish. Dogs may experience stomach problems if they eat too much Swedish Fish.

Some key reasons why dogs should avoid Swedish Fish include:

  • Swedish Fish has a lot of sugar, leading to health problems like diabetes, weight gain, and digestive issues in dogs if eaten often.
  • In some animal studies, the artificial colors used to give Swedish Fish their bright hue have been linked with hyperactivity, allergies, and even cancer.
  • Gelatin source: Gelatin gives Swedish Fish their chewy, gummy texture, but the source is often pork or beef. This meat-based gelatin is non-toxic but could cause an upset stomach.
  • Choking hazard: The chewy texture and small size of Swedish Fish pose a risk of choking or blockages, especially for smaller dogs.

So, while an occasional Swedish Fish won’t necessarily harm a dog, it should be avoided as a regular treat or snack. There are far healthier options for providing dogs with a sweet flavor they will love.

Are Swedish Fish Toxic to Dogs?

While Swedish Fish are not immediately toxic or poisonous to dogs, their ingredients could cause health problems if consumed excessively.

The two main ingredients in Swedish Fish that could negatively affect dogs are:

  • Sugar: Too much can cause obesity, dental issues, diabetes, and pancreatitis in dogs.
  • Artificial dyes like Red 40 Lake and Yellow 6 Lake have been linked to itching, headaches, chromosome damage, and cancer in studies on animals.

Consuming a few Swedish Fish likely won’t cause any major issues. However, a whole bag could lead to stomach upset, diarrhea, or vomiting from the high sugar and dye content.

Over time, regularly feeding dogs Swedish Fish or other candy could also contribute to weight gain, hyperactivity, skin irritation, and other chronic health conditions.

So, while not directly poisonous, Swedish Fish are still unhealthy for dogs and should be avoided as a regular treat.

Are Swedish Fish Bad for Dogs?

Swedish Fish likely won’t cause serious poisoning or toxicity in dogs when eaten in small amounts. However, regular consumption could contribute to the following health risks:

  • Obesity: from sugar and fat content
  • Diabetes: from high sugar intake
  • Allergies to artificial dyes
  • Gastrointestinal upset from sugar alcohols and sugar overload
  • Dental disease: from high sugar adhering to teeth
  • Choking hazard: from shape, size, and chewy texture

So, while not acutely toxic, Swedish Fish should still be considered unhealthy for dogs. Their high sugar content offers no nutritional value and can negatively impact a dog’s health. Safer snack alternatives exist.

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What Happens If a Dog Eats Swedish Fish?

The effects of a dog eating Swedish Fish will largely depend on the amount consumed. A few Swedish fish will likely only cause a slight sugar crash. But a whole bag could induce more severe symptoms requiring vet attention.

Possible effects of a dog eating Swedish Fish may include:

  • Mild gastrointestinal upset: some vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain from sugar alcohols or high fructose corn syrup.
  • Tooth decay or dental damage: sugar sticking to teeth and eroding enamel.
  • Allergic reaction: itching, hives, facial swelling from dyes or flavorings
  • Vomiting: More severe cases of overconsumption may induce vomiting.
  • Diarrhea: Excess sugar and alcohol can have a laxative effect.
  • Hyperactivity: Artificial dyes may induce agitation or hyperactivity.
  • Dehydration: from fluid loss in vomiting/diarrhea. Requires veterinary fluid therapy.
  • Pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreas from the high-fat content.
  • Obstruction or choking: from swallowed Swedish Fish getting lodged in the throat, intestines, or stomach.

Contact your vet immediately if your dog shows any concerning symptoms after eating Swedish Fish. Gastric decontamination or supportive IV fluids may be needed for more severe sugar overdoses.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Eats Swedish Fish?

If you believe your dog has eaten Swedish Fish, remain calm but take action quickly. Here are some tips:

  • Determine the amount eaten. Identify how many Swedish Fish were accessible to establish potential toxicity.
  • Monitor for symptoms: watch for vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, or lethargy.
  • Contact your vet. Call your vet to determine if observation at home is okay or if intervention is needed.
  • Limit exercise. Restrict activity and access to more food to allow rest and monitoring.
  • Provide water. Ensure fresh, clean water is available to prevent dehydration from digestive upset.
  • Watch carefully. Observe for concerning symptoms like blood in stool or vomit, weakness, drooling, or abdominal pain. Seek prompt veterinary treatment if these develop.

By taking quick action, most cases of dogs eating Swedish Fish can be managed at home with monitoring. However, severe reactions may require hospitalization for decontamination, IV fluids, or other therapy. When in doubt, contact your vet for tailored guidance.

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How to Protect Your Dog From Swedish Fish

The easiest way to prevent any Swedish-related issues is to not have them accessible to your dog in the first place. Follow these tips to keep your dog safe:

  • Store candy like Swedish Fish securely out of reach of pets. High shelves, cabinets, or containers with lids work well.
  • Never purposefully feed candy with sugar alcohols like Swedish Fish as treats.
  • Avoid leaving Swedish Fish wrappers or bags out after eating them yourself. Dogs can detect lingering scents and get into the trash.
  • Choose pet-friendly candy alternatives for holidays or special occasions. Look for ones free of xylitol and artificial colors.
  • Educate kids to keep candy away from pets. Children often innocently want to share.
  • Monitor your dog’s weight and dental health. Limit unhealthy, sugary foods from all sources to prevent obesity, diabetes, and dental disease.
  • Dog-proof trash cans or use secure lids Discarded candy wrappers didn’t tempt dogs to empty them frequently.

Keeping human candy safely secured and not feeding it to pets is the best way to avoid any risks of dogs getting into Swedish Fish. Be vigilant and take preventative steps.

Healthier Treat Alternatives For Dogs

Rather than Swedish Fish or sugary candy, healthier treat options exist to give your dog something sweet yet safe. Some better alternatives include:

1. Carrots or Sweet potatoes: cooked, plain versions provide natural sugars.

2. Blueberries: A few fresh or frozen berries can be a sweet snack.

3. Sweetened Plain Yogurt: It Contains probiotics and calcium, too.

4. Peanut Butter: Look for low- or no-sugar-added kinds in moderation.

5. Baked Sweet Potato Fries: Make oven-baked fries drizzled with honey.

6. Pumpkin Puree: Add canned puree to kibble or freeze it for a tasty treat.

7. Apples or bananas: cut into small slices, removing any seeds or peels first.

8. Honey: Stir raw, local honey into plain Greek yogurt.

9. Sweet Potato Chews: Dehydrated sweet potato snacks sold for dogs.

10. Peanut Butter Dog Cookies: Bake customized cookies with peanut butter and honey.

With a little creativity, you can come up with many nutritious homemade or store-bought treats that satisfy your dog’s sweet tooth safely.

Key Takeaways: Can Dogs Eat Swedish Fish?

  • While not directly toxic, Swedish Fish contain ingredients like sugar alcohol and artificial dyes that can cause gastrointestinal upset and other health issues in dogs.
  • Consuming more than a few Swedish Fish may result in vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, or even dental damage or choking.
  • The high sugar content poses risks of weight gain, diabetes, and pancreatitis in dogs if Swedish Fish are fed regularly.
  • Prevent access to Swedish Fish and other candy by storing it securely out of reach. Never purposefully feed human candy to pets.
  • Look for healthier, sweet snack alternatives for dogs like carrots, blueberries, plain yogurt, peanut butter, or baked treats.

While Swedish Fish are enjoyable human candy, they ultimately offer no nutritional value for dogs and pose risks from their high sugar content and artificial ingredients. Keep candy safely stowed away to avoid temptation or access by your pet. With some creativity, you can come up with many safe, sweet treat alternatives that dogs will find just as delicious!

Conclusion: Can Dogs Have Swedish Fish?

Can Dogs Eat Swedish Fish ? Swedish Fish Candies may look tempting, but they should be kept far away from our canine companions for their health and safety. While not immediately toxic, the high sugar, artificial ingredients, and choking hazards pose too many risks and no benefits for dogs. Take steps to prevent access to Swedish Fish at home and consider healthier, pet-friendly treat alternatives instead. With a few safe precautions, we can keep our dogs happily enjoying nutritious and delicious snacks.

FAQs: Can Dogs eat Swedish Fish?

Are any human candies safe for dogs?

Most candy and sweets made for human consumption are not recommended for dogs due to ingredients like sugar, alcohol, chocolate, and artificial colors or flavors. Read all labels carefully and supervise consumption.

What happens if my dog licks Swedish Fish?

Simply licking the surface of a Swedish Fish is less likely to cause issues than consuming whole pieces. However, the sugar could still pose dental risks, and artificial dyes could trigger minor allergic reactions in very sensitive dogs. Avoid letting dogs lick candy.

Could Swedish Fish kill my dog?

It’s very unlikely Swedish Fish alone would directly kill a dog, but overconsumption of sugar can be deadly. Eating an entire bag could cause seizures from hyperglycemia and artificial dye toxicity. However, fatalities from candy ingestion alone are extremely rare in dogs.

If my dog likes Swedish Fish, can I give them as treats?

No, you should never purposefully give any human candy as a habitual treat for dogs. Even if your dog likes the taste, Swedish Fish provide no nutritional value and pose long-term health risks when regularly fed. Stick to vet-approved dog treats and foods.

Should I induce vomiting if my dog eats Swedish Fish?

Contagious vomiting is typically only recommended if a dog has eaten candy containing xylitol or chocolate. For Swedish Fish, the sugar content poses a higher risk of vomiting, so consult your vet before inducing vomiting at home. Decontamination methods may not be advised.

    The article provides comprehensive, evidence-based information on the risks of dogs consuming Swedish Fish candy. It covers symptoms of toxicity, prevention methods, and healthier treat alternatives for dogs.

    About Charles Lane

    Meet Charles a devoted animal lover with a heart for dogs, cats, and horses. As the founder of, I am on a mission to share my expertise and passion, helping fellow pet owners provide the best care possible. Join me in creating joyful lives for our furry friends through valuable insights and reliable advice.

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