Are Havanese Good With Cats? Love or War?

Charles Lane

Are Havanese Good With Cats?

The Havanese is a friendly and popular dog for families. Havanese dogs are known for their love and playfulness. They are good friends for people of all ages, even those with kids. But it’s important to consider whether Havanese dogs are Good With Cats and other pets.
Knowing how Havanese dogs usually act and the way cats are can help us understand if they will be friends. It’s also important to introduce them carefully and teach them well. It will help Havanese dogs and cats live together happily in the same home.

Overview of the Havanese Dog Breed

Havanese is good with cats.

The Havanese is a little dog that came from Cuba long ago to be friends with rich families. They’re not big, usually around 7 to 13 pounds when grown up. They have a powerful body covered in a long, soft coat that can be wavy. Their fur colors, like black, white, brown, silver, or gold, can be mixed.

They look cute, with floppy ears, fluffy tails, and smiling faces. They’re playful and like to get attention from people. Havanese dogs like being around people and do great in homes where they can be part of the family. They love their human owners a lot.

Lots of people all around the world like Havanese dogs because they’re friendly and smart. They’re perfect for living in apartments since they’re small, but they also like running around and playing. It’s important to teach them good behavior when they’re young by letting them meet different people and teaching them things.

Are Havanese Good With Cats?

Dog and Cat

Are Havanese Good With Cats? Havanese dogs are friendly with cats because they are friendly and similar in size. But every situation is unique. The age and nature of both pets, their experiences, and other things can affect how they get along. If you have a cat and want to introduce a Havanese dog to it, you should make sure they will be friends. Keep reading to learn what can make the relationship between a Havanese dog and a cat better or worse.


The Importance of Pet Compatibility

Why does pet compatibility matter? Before you bring a new pet into a home with other animals, it’s really important to consider whether they can all get along. It’s best for everyone, the pets, and the owners, if they can live together happily. Some kinds of pets might only easily get along with others if you introduce them to each other correctly and take care of them in the right way.

If you have a Havanese dog and you’re thinking about getting a cat, too, or if you have a cat and you want to bring a Havanese dog into your home, it’s smart to know if the pets can be friends. If you see that the dog or cat is scared or not feeling well, you should help them feel better. It can stop big problems from happening. Also, knowing what each pet is like and what they need is important.

If you’re ready and careful, a Havanese dog and a cat can become friends and live together. But it’s good to be realistic and know that even if the pets can be together, they might not become best friends. The main goal is for them to live together peacefully.

Typical Havanese Dog Traits and Behaviors

To know how a Havanese dog might act around a cat, it’s useful to understand some common things about this breed.

Size and Looks

The Havanese is a small, sturdy dog. They’re around 8 to 11 inches tall and weigh 7 to 13 pounds. Their body is longer than it is tall, with short legs. Even though they’re small, they’re not weak.

Their coat is long and silky, coming in different colors and patterns. This makes them look hairy, unlike cats, which usually look smoother. Havanese don’t shed much, so they won’t leave a lot of fur around your home. They have floppy, heart-shaped ears and big, dark eyes on their faces.

Friendly and Playful Behavior

A special thing about Havanese dogs is that they’re lively, curious, and often like to play. They’re open and often want to meet new people and explore new places. They’re also bold and brave.

They like being with their human families. They want attention and enjoy playing, cuddling, and following people around the house. Usually, they get attached to one person. Sometimes, they might feel anxious if they don’t get used to being alone.

Havanese usually get along well with other dogs and pets, especially if they grow up together. But sometimes, they might want to chase smaller animals when they play energetically. They can be better behaved if they’re taught not to bite or play too rough.


Not Too Much Exercise Needed 

Although small, Havanese are full of energy. They need to do daily things like go for walks, play in the dog park, or just have active playtime. They can live in apartments, but having a yard to play in is even better. If they don’t exercise enough, they might get bored and do things they shouldn’t.

They’re not interested in hunting, so they usually don’t bother small pets. But when they play, they might chase after them. They can be trained to get along with cats without chasing them, especially as they age.

Social and Adaptable Nature

Havanese dogs are very social and can fit in well in different places. They do best when they’re part of family activities and go on trips. It’s good for them to meet many people and animals and see different things when they’re young. That way, they grow up to be well-behaved adults.

They like to explore and have a positive attitude, which can make them quickly get used to a new cat at home. But introducing them properly is still important; some Havanese might get along better with cats than others. It’s a good idea to watch them when they’re together.

Understanding Cats and Their Needs

To have good relationships with pets, knowing how cats behave and how Havanese dogs act is important. Cats have important ways and needs when bringing a new dog into their lives.

Cats Like Independence

Cats are more independent than dogs. They only sometimes stay with their owners or need lots of attention. Cats prefer to watch things on their own and choose when they want to be petted. This differs from Havanese dogs, which like to be close to people and want attention.

Sometimes, cats want to be alone. They need places where the dog can only bother them once they feel comfortable. Cats should have food, water, and litter boxes that the dog can’t reach. It’s important to respect their independence.

Cats are Sensitive to Change

Dogs can usually handle change, but cats like things to stay the same. When a new dog comes in, it can be scary and stressful for a cat already living there. A sudden change can make a cat hide, act mean, or stop eating.

It’s best to introduce a Havanese puppy slowly over a few weeks to help the cat get used to the new dog. Giving the cat extra attention and playtime during this time can help them feel better. But it’s important to be patient and give them space.

Different Ways of Playing and Saying “No”

Cats and dogs play differently and show their feelings in different ways. A Havanese might not understand when a cat doesn’t want to play. It is important to learn how to read what a cat is saying and give them space for dogs and cats to get along.

Cats play with gentle bites, swats, and paw touches while having fun. They don’t roughhouse or chase like dogs do. Cats show clearly when annoyed by hissing, swatting, arching their backs, and moving tails. Dogs need to back off when they see these signs.

Keys to Making Cats and Havanese Dog Friends

Whether a cat and a Havanese dog become friends depends on how they meet for the first time and how well their owners train them. Sometimes, their personalities might not match, but there are important things that can help them get along.

Start Slow and Early

It’s a good idea to start letting a Havanese puppy or dog meet a cat when they’re both young. Puppies under six months old learn quickly, and it helps them not chase cats too much.

You should start with the pets in different rooms and let them get used to each other’s smells and sounds before they meet face-to-face. Taking things slowly and letting them get comfortable at their own pace stops them from getting scared.

Personalities Matter

Like people, pets have personalities that affect how they get along. Havanese curious, playful, and gentle. Puppies usually do better with cats. Shy, anxious, or excited Havanese dogs might need more training.

Cats that are friendly and confident usually accept dogs faster. Cats that are shy or not used to being around others need more time and slow introductions to feel safe.

Typical Interactions Between Havanese Dogs and Cats

While every relationship between dogs and cats differs, some common things often happen when Havanese dogs and cats meet for the first time. Like with any pet, taking care of them and doing things the right way can help avoid problems and ensure they get along well over time.

Being Carefully Curious

When Havanese dogs, especially puppies, meet a new cat, they usually get very interested and want to check it out. They might want to play by pawing, jumping, or chasing the cat. But cats usually find this scary.

With practice, Havanese dogs can learn to be calmer and give cats space. When they stay calm and don’t rush, they can approach the cat nicely until the cat feels okay and wants to play. Young puppies need to be watched closely to stop them from chasing the cat too much.

Wanting to Chase

Havanese dogs like to play and might want to chase things that move, like cats. But because Havanese dogs are meant to be companions and not hunting dogs, they usually don’t chase too hard.

Still, teaching puppies that chasing cats is not okay is important. You can use leashes, gates, and separate rooms when they first meet so they don’t get used to chasing. Also, you can distract them and give them treats when they ignore the cat. Older Havanese dogs usually stop chasing as they grow up.

Protecting Stuff

Sometimes, dogs want to keep their things safe, like food, toys, and places to sleep, when a new pet comes around. This needs to be watched so that cats can also use these things. Havanese dogs need to learn that they can’t be mean to cats around these things.

Having more than one water bowl, litter box, bed, and scratching post that only cats can use is a good idea. Dogs and cats should eat in different places and not bother cats while they eat. With time, most Havanese dogs will get used to cats coming into “their” places when they become friends.

Wanting to Play and Be Friends

Havanese dogs are very social and want to play and make friends. They might want to play with a new cat a lot. But cats usually like less direct play than dogs, so they might get annoyed or angry.

Havanese dogs can learn to wait and be patient for cats to come to them first. Then they can play nicely together. It’s important not to bother cats too much and to let them have time alone. As the two pets become better friends, the dog will learn how to play with the cat in a way that the cat likes.

Tips for Smoother Havanese and Cat Introductions

Bringing a new Havanese puppy or dog into a home with cats can be a bit tricky, but with some simple steps, you can make it smoother:

  1. First Meetings: When your new dog meets your cat for the first time, keep it on a leash, in a crate, or in a separate area so it can’t chase or corner the cat.
  2. Safe Cat Spaces: Create places for your cat to escape where the dog can’t reach. These can be things like cat trees, shelves, or window sills.
  3. Separate Mealtimes: Feed your pets in different areas and keep the dog away from the cat’s food and litter box.
  4. Safe Zones: Use pet gates to make rooms where your cat can go to get away from the dog.
  5. Positive Behavior: When your dog behaves calmly around the cat, give them treats and praise. If the dog tries to chase the cat, discourage this behavior.
  6. Reduce Stress: Consider using sprays that release calming scents to help your pets feel less anxious.
  7. Shared Smells: Swap blankets or towels between the dog and cat areas so they get used to each other’s scents.
  8. Separate Beds and Toys: Make sure your cat and dog have their beds and toys to prevent any problems with sharing.
  9. Slow Introductions: Take your time introducing them. Do it gradually over several days or weeks, depending on how comfortable your cat is.
  10. Supervision is Key: Once you’re sure your dog and cat can get along, leave them alone. Always keep an eye on them to make sure they’re safe.

Following these steps can help your new dog and cat get along better and make their introduction to each other much smoother.

Managing Havanese and Cat Relationships Long-Term

Even Havanese and cats that get along well need rules and checking to avoid problems:

  1. Always watch when they’re together, especially during playtime.
  2. Make sure they have their own spaces for alone time.
  3. Cats should be able to reach their important things easily.
  4. Teach them the same things consistently.
  5. Look for signs that they’re feeling stressed.
  6. If they’re arguing, stop it quickly by guiding them away.
  7. When the Havanese are very excited, keep them separate from the cats.
  8. Make sure the Havaneses get enough exercise and things to keep them busy.
  9. Every day, check that both pets are happy and calm.

Signs Your Havanese and Cat Are Tight

You can tell when a Hav and cat are close friends by looking for these signs:

  1. The kitty gently bumps heads and rubs against the dog with love.
  2. They pick spots close to each other for their naps and hanging out.
  3. They play together by taking turns chasing and softly patting each other.
  4. Sometimes, the cat gives the Hav a nice little grooming.
  5. Both of them stay calm and happy when they’re together.
  6. The Hav is polite and gives the cat space when needed.
  7. They don’t act mean or aggressive around each other.
  8. They live together peacefully and share their home without any problems.
  9. Good moments when they’re nice to each other show that they get along but still like doing their things.
  10. The goal is to have them spend time together without trouble.

Conclusion: Are Havanese Good With cats?

The curious and playful nature of Havanese dogs relationships with cats and other pets helps them form loving relationships. However, it’s important for pet owners to be realistic. With some effort and watching over them, it’s very possible for them to live together peacefully. But whether they become really close friends depends on each pet’s personality and how they first meet.

If we understand what both the dog and cat need, introduce them to each other the right way, and encourage them to be polite to each other, Havanese dogs and cats can learn to share a home comfortably. How they first get along sets the stage for how well they’ll get along in the future. If we keep training them and making sure they behave, we can quickly solve any problems that come up.

As time goes on and they spend more time together, many Havanese dogs and cats end up being at least okay with each other, if not becoming real friends. But it’s really important to respect what each pet is comfortable with and give them their own space. The goal of having a home with both a dog and a cat is to have them live happily together by having them interact in a good way. With care and training, a Havanese dog and a cat can become cherished friends.


Are Havanese dogs good with cats?

Yes, with proper training and a gradual introduction. With time and effort, many Havanese and cats can coexist peacefully.

What is the temperament of a Havanese dog?

The Havanese has an outgoing, affectionate, and playful temperament. They thrive on human interaction and are very social dogs.

How do you introduce a Havanese puppy to a cat?

Introduce them slowly over multiple days/weeks. Use baby gates to separate them at first. Reward calm interactions between the pets. Provide cats with escape routes like cat trees. Never leave them unsupervised until the Havanese is trained.

Can Havanese live in apartments with cats?

Yes, Havanese can adapt well to apartment living with cats. Since they are small dogs, regular indoor playtime and daily walks provide sufficient exercise.

What problems can occur when introducing Havanese to cats?

Common problems include the Havanese chasing or pestering the cat persistently, guarding resources like food or toys, or overwhelming the cat by being too exuberant.

About Charles Lane

Meet Charles a devoted animal lover with a heart for dogs, cats, and horses. As the founder of, I am on a mission to share my expertise and passion, helping fellow pet owners provide the best care possible. Join me in creating joyful lives for our furry friends through valuable insights and reliable advice.

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