Are French Bulldogs Good With Kids? A Perfect Family Dog Breed

Charles Lane

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Are French Bulldogs Good With Kids?

French Bulldogs, or Frenchies, as they are affectionately called, have skyrocketed in popularity over the last decade, especially among urban dwellers and young families. Their cute, smooth faces, compact size, and playful personalities make them seem like the perfect family pet. But are French bulldogs good with kids?

As the dad of two rambunctious boys under 10 and a 6-month-old Frenchie puppy, I was determined to find out if this breed would be a good fit for our family. I did tons of research and talked to other parents who owned Frenchies before making the decision to welcome our girl Poppy home.

Now, several months later, I’m happy to report that our experience has been an overwhelmingly positive one. But it didn’t come without some challenges and lessons learned along the way. Keep reading for the real scoop on Frenchies and kids from someone who’s living it!

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to be aware of. In this article, we’ll explore if French Bulldogs are truly good options for families with kids.

An Introduction to the French Bulldog

Before diving into their compatibility with children, let’s start with an overview of the breed itself. The French Bulldog originated in England in the 1800s, first gaining popularity as a companion dog for lace workers moving to France. Their signature “bat ears”, compact bodies, and charming personalities eventually caught the eye of Americans as well. Today, Frenchies are the 4th most popular breed in the US. 

In appearance, French Bulldogs have a short, smooth coat that comes in a variety of colours, like fawn, brindle, and pied. They have a muscular build with broad shoulders and chests. Their most distinctive physical traits are their bat-like ears that stand erect and a pushed-in facial structure called a brachycephalic head.

Personality-wise, the Frenchie is known for being playful and attention-seeking and thrives on human interaction. They form strong bonds with their families and do best when kept as indoor companion dogs. This loyal and affectionate nature is what draws many families to the breed.

However, Frenchies also come with some unique health considerations. As brachycephalic dogs, many are prone to respiratory issues like breathing difficulties or snoring. Overheating is also a major risk. Responsible breeding to reduce these problems is important. They have a few distinctive traits:

  • Bat-like ears that stand upright
  • A short, squashed brachycephalic face
  • A muscular, compact, small body weighing under 28 pounds
  • A short, easy-care coat that comes in fawn, brindle, pied and other colours

Why Frenchies are good for kids

Frenchies are the perfect companion for kids! They’re small, cute, and full of energy. They love to play and cuddle, making them ideal for children who need a furry friend. Frenchies are also smart and trainable, so they can learn tricks that your child can show off to their friends.

Plus, their short coats don’t require much grooming, so they’re low-maintenance pets. All in all, Frenchies make great companions for kids – they’ll provide plenty of fun and snuggles while teaching responsibility at the same time. French Bulldogs are generally great playmates for younger children, responding well to positive reinforcement during puppy playtime.

The Typical Temperament of a French Bulldog

When assessing if French Bulldogs are good with children, a key factor is their typical temperament. Frenchies are often described as charming and playful and thrive on being around people. They can form strong attachments to their family.

French Bulldogs aim to please their owners and respond well to positive training methods like praise or treats. Harsher training does not tend to work as well with them.

While excitable and energetic in short bursts, the Frenchie is not an overly active breed. They only need moderate exercise each day. Some owners describe them as “clowns” who love making people laugh with their silly antics. 

Overall, the French Bulldog’s combination of playfulness, loyalty, and low energy makes them a popular choice for families. However, individual personality differences between dogs always exist. French Bulldog owners often find that their small dogs don’t bark excessively.

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4 Reasons French Bulldogs Can Do Well with Kids

French Bulldogs are good with kids.

Certain natural traits of the French Bulldog work in their favor when it comes to interactions with children. Here are some of the key compatibility factors:

A. Affectionate Companionship

French Bulldogs tend to thrive on human attention and form close bonds with family members. They are often happy to sit beside kids for playtime or cuddles. Their affection and loyalty can make them great companions.

B. Playfulness and Energy Level 

While energetic in short bursts, French Bulldogs have relatively low exercise needs overall. Their playful nature makes them up for some active playtime with kids without needing constant high energy output.

C. Size and Sturdiness

Weighing under 28 pounds on average, Frenchies are a small to moderate-sized breed. Their short stature makes them less likely to accidentally knock over toddlers. And their sturdy, muscular build allows them to withstand some clumsy handling.

D. Socialization and Training

With their aim to please, French Bulldogs respond well to training and socialization if started young. This allows them to learn good manners and comfortable interaction with children from a young age.

Taking advantage of these natural traits through proper care and training can allow French Bulldogs to thrive in homes with kids.

Benefits of Adding a Frenchie to a Family 

Beyond their compatibility with children, French Bulldogs can bring many benefits as a family pet. Here are some of the top advantages:

A. Low Aggression

Frenchies are not known to be highly territorial or aggressive. They tend to get along well with other pets if properly introduced. With supervision, they can interact safely with kids.

B. Companionship 

The affectionate and loyal nature of French bulldogs makes them ideal companions for kids. They provide friendship and emotional support through all of childhood’s ups and downs.

C. Low Maintenance

The French Bulldog’s small size and low exercise needs make them easy to care for. They adapt well to apartment living and require less grooming or expensive care than some breeds. This light maintenance can suit a family’s busy lifestyle.

Adding a Frenchie to the family comes with advantages like companionship, playfulness, and convenience when responsibly cared for.

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Potential Challenges of Owning a Frenchie With Kids

While French Bulldogs can thrive in families with children, the breed also comes with some potential drawbacks to consider:

A. Allergies

Like many breeds, French Bulldogs do shed somewhat. Their short hair means it is not excessive, but children with dog allergies may still react. Consulting with an allergist is recommended.

B. Supervision 

Due to their small size, French Bulldogs can get accidentally injured by too much rough handling from overeager kids. They also should not be left alone with very young children.

C. Health Issues

French Bulldogs are prone to certain health problems, like breathing issues, overheating, and back problems. Families need to monitor kids’ interactions to ensure the dog’s safety and wellbeing.

While manageable with proper care, families should be prepared for these potential challenges of the breed.

Tips for Harmonious Life With a Frenchie and Kids

If you’re considering adding a French Bulldog to your family, here are some tips for the healthiest relationship between children and your Frenchie:

A. Early Socialization

Socialize French Bulldog puppies to children from a very young age. This gets them comfortable with kids and prevents fear or aggression problems.

B. Training your pup to befriend your child

Train your Frenchie in basic obedience like “sit” and “stay”. This allows you to control their behavior with kids and prevents issues like food guarding.

c. Exercise and Playtime

Give your French Bulldog plenty of playtime and age-appropriate exercise. This prevents boredom and burns off excess energy around children.

D. Designated Space

Ensure your Frenchie has their own quiet space in the home for alone time when needed. Provide a crate or dog bed where kids know not to disturb them.

E. Gentle Handling 

Educate children on how to properly pick up and interact with the dog to avoid injury on either side. Discourage rough play like tug of war.

With training, socialization, supervision, and consideration of their needs, French Bulldogs can thrive in families with kids of all ages.

7 Tips for Raising a Frenchie Family Dog

If you’re ready to add a French Bulldog to your family, here are my top tips for setting everyone up for success:

1. Start young: Adopt your Frenchie as a puppy and socialize them thoroughly with children. This prevents fear later on.

2. Establish rules: Gently teach kids how to properly interact with the dog—no pulling tails or ears.

3. Positive training: Use reward-based training to teach your Frenchie good manners around children.

4. Monitor play: supervise interactions, especially with younger kids, to keep things calm and safe for all.

5. Respect their space: Ensure your Frenchie has a quiet place to retreat when they need a break from busy kids.

6. Adjust exercise: Opt for gentle play and indoor activities on extremely hot days to prevent overheating.

7. Proper healthcare: Stay vigilant about potential breathing issues and only work with responsible breeders.

We set ground rules with the kids about being gentle with Luigi. A little education goes a long way in creating harmonious relationships.

Conclusion: Are French bulldogs good family dogs?

At the end of the day, French Bulldogs can make excellent companions for families with children when properly trained and socialized. Their affectionate nature, playfulness, and small, sturdy build are well suited for interaction with kids.

However, supervision is always recommended, and families should be prepared for potential challenges like health issues or high sensitivity levels in some dogs. Providing a Frenchie with their own space, quality time with adults, training, and monitoring kids’ handling go a long way toward having a harmonious family dynamic. While every dog is unique,

French Bulldogs can make wonderful additions to homes with children when given the care, respect, and understanding they need to thrive. French Bulldogs good with children of all ages and get along with kids, including young kids, making them an excellent choice as a family pet.

FAQs: French bulldogs good with children

Which is the best family dog?

Some examples of dog breeds include the Bulldog, Golden Retriever, Beagle, Pug, Irish Setter, Brussels Griffon, Newfoundland, and French Bulldog.

Is a French bulldog a good family dog?

A French bulldog is an ideal family pet. They are friendly, loyal, and affectionate, making them great companions for children and adults alike. They are also relatively easy to train and have a moderate energy level, so they won’t tire out the family too quickly! 

Are French bulldogs good for first-time owners?

First-time dog owners often find them to be the perfect choice due to their relaxed nature and less demanding care needs, especially when compared to other breeds that require high energy.

Is a boy or girl French bulldog better?

If it’s your first experience owning a puppy, you might find having a female to be more advantageous. Such puppies are also optimal for households that lean towards indoor activities.

Are Frenchies hard to potty train?

You may find the first few training sessions tough, but once your French bulldog learns the fundamentals, they will retain these teachings permanently.

Are French bulldogs good with cats?

Depending on their individual personalities, French bulldogs may enjoy interacting with other dogs and cats.

About Charles Lane

Meet Charles a devoted animal lover with a heart for dogs, cats, and horses. As the founder of, I am on a mission to share my expertise and passion, helping fellow pet owners provide the best care possible. Join me in creating joyful lives for our furry friends through valuable insights and reliable advice.

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