
How Far Can a Horse Run and Travel in a Day

How long and how far can a horse run without stopping?

Charles Lane

Horses are amazing athletes that can run for very long distances. An average horse runs about 20–25 miles in one ...


Can horses eat broccoli? Potential benefits and risks

Charles Lane

Giving horses treats like broccoli can be an enjoyable way to bond, but owners must educate themselves to ensure these ...

Can Horse Shampoo Be Used on Dogs?

Can Horse Shampoo Be Used on Dogs? The Pros, Cons and Precautions

Charles Lane

Horse shampoos have become a popular alternative for dog owners looking to bathe their canine companions. But is it truly ...

12 Common Horse Health Issues and Remedies

12 Common Horse Health Issues and Remedies: a Complete guide

Charles Lane

Common Horse Health Issues are a topic of great importance for every horse owner. Ensuring the well-being of your equine ...

Horse with Down Syndrome

A Horse with Down Syndrome: Challenges and Special Care

Charles Lane

Horses, like humans, can be born with Down syndrome – a genetic disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome ...

Can Horses Eat Strawberries?

Can Horses Eat Strawberries? Fruitful or Harmful

Charles Lane

Horses are one of the most majestic and beloved animals humans have domesticated for centuries. As herbivores, horses thrive on ...

Horse with Cushing's

Euthanizing a Horse with Cushing’s Disease: eye-opening decisions

Charles Lane

Horse with Cushing’s One of the most complex decisions a horse owner faces is knowing when it’s time to say ...

Are Giraffes Related to Horses?

ARE GIRAFFES RELATED TO HORSES? interesting facts about horses and giraffes

Charles Lane

Are giraffes related to horses? No, they do not relate. Giraffes and horses are two of the world’s most iconic ...

Can Horses Eat Blueberries?

Can Horses Eat Blueberries? Elevate Your Horse’s Snack Game

Charles Lane

Blueberries are a tasty and nutrient-dense fruit for humans and horses. Can Horses Eat Blueberries? Well, blueberries can make a ...